WE SEE YOU – Happy International Women’s day!

We dedicated a little video to all of us, on our TIK TOK << click.

What if chocolate and flowers were a forbiden gift today?
What else would you gift a woman on this International women’s day?

We have an idea.
Gift a woman with your time.
Gift yourself with stories of women.
Real, raw, relevant stories of lights and shadows of being a woman in their time and place, in the past or in the present.

We believe there is a big lack in confidence among women to self-promote or be proud of themselves among family, friends, co-workers or even publicly.

To tell their amazing stories, achievements, lessons and transformations.

We’re making a brave and bold suggestion to ask you to ask 1 WOMAN today what her story is!

Then be grateful to that woman and:
– tell her 1 thing her story taught you
– 1 thing her story made you think about
– 1 thing you will do differently because of her!

Wouldn’t that be an even more valuable gift – to be seen and heard by someone?

We would love to also hear your story and feature it in our:
FHH newsletter,
this Linkedin account,
on our TIK TOK @futurehealthHERo!

Send your story to us at hello@futurehealthhero.eu!

FHH team

p.s. Our FHH team member, Lenja Faraguna, told us the story of her mom, Darja! At the age of 18 (in the late 1960’s) she went from the only country with LOVE in its name (Slovenia) to London to live and work there for 1 year!

No one from her family or friends has ever been abroad,
she didn’t have money for a ticket back home,
she did not know where to find a job,
she didn’t know where she will live,
she knew no one in London,
she got a job in a bar,
then she was a maid in a hotel,
she met hundreds of people,
she came home wearing the
shortest skirt and knee boots,
so her mother almost didn’t recognise her 😉

And Lenja realised today, that she never ever asked her mom how she ever got the idea, how she told her parents, how she felt and how this impacted her whole life. So, today is the next best day to do so. On the INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY 2024!